About The Killer Poet

My name is Barry K Brown. I spent years as a dead-broke poet, performing spoken word poetry at open mics in South Carolina…

Until one day I came across a quote from “The Godfather of Modern Advertising,” David Ogilvy.

Most good copywriters fall into two categories. Poets. And killers. Poets see an ad as an end. Killers as a means to an end. If you are both a killer and a poet, you get rich.

And I decided right then to there to get rich.

I refined my poetry writing skills and channeled them into a simple copywriting formula that I use to produce irresistible sales messages.

And then, I began using that formula to help marketers and business owners skyrocket sales and grow their businesses.

Now, Iʼm one of the most in-demand sales
consultants online, earning more in one month
than I once did in an entire year.

Book a free consultation with me, Barry “Killer Poet” Brown, and discover how The Killer Poet Formula can be used in your business.

A Killer Poet in his natural habit, writing breakout marketing campaigns for his clients
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